Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lhasa Apso Puppies for Sale COCONUT CREEK FL

Lhasa Apso Puppies for Sale Parkland FL

The Lhasa Apso is a small, hardy little dog. The body length is longer than the height of the dog. The small, dark, deep-set eyes are dark brown and the pendant ears are heavily feathered. The front legs are straight. The back legs are heavily covered in hair. The face is medium in length. The teeth should meet in a level or slightly undershot bite. The feet are round, catlike with an abundance of hair. The tail is set high, well feathered and carried over the back in a screw. Some tails have a kink at the end. The dense, double coat is straight and long over the entire body, including over the head and eyes, reaching to the floor. Any color is acceptable in the show ring. Gold, cream, and honey are the most popular, but the coat also comes in dark-grizzle, slate, smoke, and multi-colors of brown, white and black. Puppy coats often change colors as the puppy grows. Owners often cut the dogs hair short.


Dogs 10-11 inches a little less for Bitches


Dogs 13-15 pounds

Living Conditions:

These dogs are good for apartment living. They are very active indoors and will do okay without a yard.


Lhasa Apso need a daily walk.  Play will take care of a lot of their exercise needs, however, as with all breeds, play will not fulfill their primal instinct to walk. Dogs who do not get to go on daily walks are more likely to display behavior problems. They will also enjoy a good romp in a safe open area off lead, such as a large fenced in yard.


The long coat parts at the spine and falls straight on either side. No trimming or stripping is needed, although when in full coat, they need to be brushed about once a day to keep their coats from matting. Some owners opt to cut the coats short for easier grooming. Dry shampoo as necessary. Check the feet for matting and for foreign matter stuck there. Clean the eyes and ears meticulously, for they tend to tear. Some owners prefer to get their coats clipped to cut down on grooming. This breed sheds very little.

Teddy Bear Puppies for Sale Parkland FL

Teddy Bear Puppies for Sale at Puppy Plus

Teddy Bear dogs are not purebreds, but rather, a hybrid dog selectively bred to resemble a child’s stuffed teddy bear. Normally a cross between a Shih Tzuand a Toy Poodle (a Shih Poo), a Bichon Frise and a Toy Poodle (a Poochon), a Bichon Frise and a Shih Tzu (a Zuchon), or a mix of all three, Teddy Bear Dogs are normally small and fluffy with brown or black coats. Teddy Bear dogs are considered “designer” crosses and are bred solely for appearance, rather than temperament, health or functionality. This type of dog is perfect for apartment life, but does require daily exercise in the form of a walk or a romp in the park. As adults, Teddy Bears tend to have large bursts of energy for short amounts of time, so do not over exercise. Fortunately, they are usually small enough to carry if they become tired during a walk.
The practice of breeding a Teddy Bear or a designer dog is a controversial topic for some animal rights groups. With a recent surge in popularity in hybrid dogs (especially among Hollywood celebrities), there have been charges that some breeders are reproducing irresponsibly by disregarding overpopulation and the health of the puppies or parents. Others have questioned the often excessive price breeders charge for Teddy Bears (normally $950-$1750 for a “professionally bred” Teddy Bear).
Teddy Bear Dogs
Teddy Bear Dogs vary in size but are normally quite small, weighing no more than 7-9 pounds. Because they are hybrids, it is difficult to determine what health/temperament issues may arise. If the dog comes from purebred parents, they will be susceptible to health problems from both breeds. If the dog is more than a mix of two purebreds, it becomes more difficult to pinpoint potential health issues. There are, however, ailments that are common to smaller dogs, for example eye and ear problems, sensitivity to the cold, and bloat if overfed. Teddy Bear dogs tend to be quite yappy and difficult to housetrain, but this can be alleviated through proper training. Beware when you buy the Teddy Bear for sale or Teddy Bear puppies for sale as they can become startled easily and may nip children, so they should be monitored when in the presence of others.
Because these dogs are often purchased for appearance sake, they tend to be spoiled, which can lead to overfeeding and a lack of discipline. The former can pose a serious health risk to the dog weight gain can result in a shortened lifespan.
Teddy Bear Dog Puppies

Teddy Bear dogs are normally bred from purebreds with hyperactive tendencies, so puppies tend to have abundant energy levels. Some owners of Teddy Bear puppies say their dogs are resistant to crate training, and do not like to be left alone. Puppies need a lot of love and attention and require a lot of discipline. Some Teddy Bear dogs will howl when left alone. This will pass overtime, providing the owner does not give in to the puppy. If the owner retrieves the puppy when she cries, it will believe that howling is permitted in the home. It may be difficult to resist that adorable little face but be strong. Your puppy will thank you in the end!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pomeranians Puppies for Sale

Pomeranians are little dogs with “big dog” personalities. 


 While lively, friendly and fun, they can be slightly territorial. They grow very attached to their owners and can develop a protectiveness that makes them suspicious of strangers. This not only makes for a loyal, tried-and-true companion, it makes for a superb watchdog. Pomeranians, though small, can really deliver on the barks when a stranger approaches the house. 

Quick Facts

  • 3 - 7 pounds
  • 7 - 12 inches

Ideal Human Companions

    • Singles
    • Seniors
    • Apartment dwellers
    • Couch potatoes
    • Celebrities

Trademark Traits

    • Small and fluffy
    • Lively and alert
    • Clever and eager to learn
    • Willful and headstrong

What They Are Like to Live With

In spite of this protectiveness, Pomeranians are not too clingy or codependent. And they’ll get along with every member of the family, including other pets, as long as they’re introduced properly.

Intelligent, busy and curious, they have a lovable independence. But they crave your attention and playtime, sometimes responding by standing on their hind legs and barking happily.


Pomeranians have a poised and proud carriage. Compact, sturdy and fluffy with slightly rounded, wedge-shaped heads, straight muzzles and pointy ears, they sometimes have a fox-like appearance. They have dark, deeply set eyes and an overall alert and lively expression. Their undercoats are dense and soft, their outer coats rough, profuse and puffy, while their feathered tails curl over the back. Coats can be nearly any color, but the most common are red, orange, off-white, brown or black.

Puppies for Sale: Maltese

Beloved companions to princes and princesses for well over 2,000 years, Maltese know how to behave: They are gentle, loving, obedient and well-mannered creatures that love attention and affection and know how to return to favor. However, Maltese have a fearless energy that makes them slightly more of a handful than your typical, docile lapdog. They love to run around in the yard, play chase and hop around in mud puddles. But, when playtime is over, they are superb cuddlers.

Quick Facts

  • 4 - 6 pounds
  • 8 - 10 inches

Ideal Human Companions

  • Singles
  • Retirees
  • Families with older children
      • Kings and queens 




        Trademark Traits 

        • Small
        • Long, silky coat
        • Loyal and trusting
        • Polite
        • Lively and active
        • Gentle

 What They Are Like to Live With

Friday, June 8, 2012

Puppies for sale :YORKIEPOO

The Yorkie Poo is not a purebred dog, but a mix between the Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle breeds. Poodle hybrids have become very popular over the past few years, and Yorkie Poo's are riding on the top of that wave.

Yorkie Poo's have a wonderful personality that is blend of their parents breeds. They combine the lively, intelligent behavior of the Poodle, with the adorable, loyal nature of the Yorkshire. They are very small dogs that make perfect companions.

Their color is generally black with tan markings, but other colors such as redish tan, black and white, and apricot are also possible. Yorkie Poo's range in size from 5 - 9 lbs. They are mostly a non shedding breed and therefor are popular amongst people with allergies. While this breed is hypoallergenic, it is important to keep in mind that this means they have a decreased tendency to cause allergies. They receive this trait from their Poodle genes. Poodles have hair, instead of standard dog fur, and this results in less shedding.

Yorkie Poo's are quite healthy due to their gene mixing, and they don't have any of the hereditary health problems that Yorkies and Poodles are known to have. Yorkie Poo's in good health can live up to 15 years.

Their coat is soft, smooth and silky and generally has a curl or wave to it. A haicut every 3 to 4 months will keep them looking ever so cute. This will also help prevent their beautful coat from matting. Regular brushing keeps the coat clean and tangle free. Their eyes are dark as well as their nose. The Yorkie Poo's ears can either stand upright like a poodle, or droop like the Yorkshire. Their paws are small and oval shaped but overall the animal is well proportioned.

Yorkie Poo's are known for being great cravers of attention. They quickly grow attached to their family and would have their feelings hurt if they were left outside. They are self confident, energetic, playful, sweet, loving, and above all else, loyal. Much of their brave and loyal behavior can be attributed to their Yorkshire Terrier heritage. They make great family pets because of their ability to coexist with other pets, and they are great with children.

While they are small, they are extremely fast runners. This beautiful mix can be stubborn, but is easy to train. Learning tricks comes easy to this intelligent breed, especially when treats are involved!
The Yorkie Poo seems to truly feel that it is a "big" dog. If runs around just as proud, and fearless as its larger counterparts do. This is another reason that the Yorkie Poo makes a great family watchdog.
Yorkie Poo's thrive indoors and only require moderate exercise. They will enjoy occasional walks and trips to the park just like other dogs.

Chihuahua Puppies For Sale

Description: The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world and was named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Chihuahuas are graceful, alert, swift-moving little dogs with a saucy expression. There are two distinct breed types, one with a long coat of soft texture, the other with a short coat. Identical otherwise, both can be whelped in the same litter. They have round apple-heads, large protruding eyes and a short, stout muzzle. Their bodies are slightly longer than they are tall, and ears are large and flaring. Although their bodies are fairly evenly-muscled, their bones are prone to injury due to their fragility. In the past they may have been considered rodents by their ancestral owners, who may have raised them for food! Now adored for their small size, the Chihuahua is a bright eyed, dainty dog who is perfect for apartment living. They do better with indoor living than outdoor living. Puppies are so small they can fit in your hand easily. Most breeders recommend adopting a Chihuahua puppy between the ages of 4 - 12 months as they will be more mature and agile and not so apt for injury.  

Type: Companion Dog
Height: 6 - 9 inches.
Weight: 1 - 6 lbs.
Colors: Any color or mixture is allowed. The coat can be solid, marked, or splashed in any color combination. The more common colors are red, sable, fawn, black and tan, tricolor, and brindle.

Temperament: Chihuahuas are bold or shy, playful and very alert. They love to alert their owners to whatever is going on, and some tend to bark. Some breeds are afraid when the wind blows, while others will challenge dogs many times the size of themselves. They tend to be quite devoted to one person. They are sometimes reserved with strangers and a favorite among the elderly. They are graceful, humorous, and a good watchdog. Although playful, Chihuahuas are not to be messed around with. They can be aggressive towards other dogs and wary of strangers. On top of that, they are quite fragile and do not tend to realize it when picking a fight.

With Children: Yes, If children are gentle. Chihuahuas should be socialized early on to avoid any aggressiveness, which usually results in the Chihuahua itself getting hurt due to their easy breakability.
With Pets: Yes, lives happily with others as long as it is socialized early on. Some Chihuahuas can become hostile towards other animals if they are not introduced early on. They tend to be one-owner animals, but can be fine with other pets as long as they are socialized.

Special Skills: Family pet.
Watch-dog: Very High. They are very alert and some love to bark.
Guard-dog: Very Low. Bold as they are, a Chihuahua has no chance against another dog or person.
Care and Training: Short haired Chihuahua should be brushed gently or wiped with a damp cloth. The long haired Chihuahua should be brushed daily with a soft bristle brush. Bathe only when necessary. Check ears regularly and keep nails trimmed. Chihuahuas should be socialized early so that they will get along with other dogs and pets. Minimal exercise is required for both varieties of Chihuahuas.
Learning Rate: High. Chihuahuas are very intelligent.
Activity: Low - Moderate. Some Chihuahuas will play and jog with their owners, while others are just too small to do a lot of exercise. They are the ultimate lap dog.
Special Needs: Socialization, supervision with children and other animals.
Living Environment: Must live indoors due to their fragile bodies, but they enjoy outdoor activity.
Health Issues: Collapsing trachea. heart problems, hydrocephallic, and patellar luxation. Other health concerns include eye problems and hypoglycemia. Chihuahuas are very fragile dogs whose bones can break easily.
Life Span: 12 - 14 years.
Litter Size:
1 - 4 puppies.
Country of Origin: Mexico
First Registered by the AKC: 1904
AKC Group: Toy
Class: Toy
Registries: AKC, CKC, FCI (Group 9), KC (GB)